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Cathedral Governance

A Cathedral is a large and complex organisation, and there is always a danger that decisions can be simply handed down.  We try to make our governance as transparent, open, and democratic as possible.


The whole Cathedral congregation meets once a year at the Annual General Meeting.  Here, various groups and bodies report on the previous year, major developments are explained, and the accounts from the previous financial year presented.  Below is this year's Annual Report, in preparation for our AGM on Sunday 26th November 2023.

The Cathedral Board, meeting quarterly, is responsible for the financial well-being and regulatory compliance of the Cathedral.  The Board comprises the Trustees of the Cathedral, namely: the Bishop of Edinburgh; the Provost and Vice-Provost of St Mary's; the Lay Representative and Alternate Lay Representative; a Diocesan representative; and the convenor of the Cathedral's Finance Committee.


Day-to-day administration and decision-making is taken by the clergy, the office staff, and the other paid Cathedral employees (e.g. music staff and the vergers).


The Cathedral Board delegates the enacting of the Cathedral's vision and mission to the Cathedral Council, and its various groups. The Cathedral Council meets six times a year, and is made up of various members of the clergy team, the Cathedral staff, and representatives from the Cathedral groups.


These voluntary groups (e.g. Faith and Growth, the Eco-Group, Children and Families) are open to all members of the Cathedral, and are led by a convenor.

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